advanced botox areas

10 Advanced Botox Areas You Don’t Know About

30 August 2024

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In this post:

  • Learn how mastering advanced Botox techniques can help you address complex facial areas and meet patient demands.
  • Explore ten high-demand Botox treatment areas, including brow lifts, gummy smile correction, and masseter reduction, with guidance on achieving natural, harmonious results.
  • Understand the importance of precise injection techniques and anatomical knowledge to ensure safe and effective treatments that avoid common pitfalls.

Picture this. You’ve finished a course on Botox, and your practice is already attracting lots of patients. You’re routinely seeing and treating dozens, or perhaps even hundreds, of patients for basic Botox anti-ageing treatments. But too often you’ll get patients looking for hyperhidrosis or gummy smile treatment. Your beginner Botox course never covered these treatments, so you’re forced to turn these patients away.

Sounds familiar?

Chances are you’ve mastered basic Botox treatments, and you’ve reached a point where you’re ready to take your toxin skills to the next level. Addressing concerns like forehead lines and crow’s feet is easy. Treating more complex areas of the face and neck requires skill and training.

There are plenty of patients who want advanced Botox treatments, and as practitioners, it is our responsibility to meet these demands. This guide will delve into the most popular Botox areas that require a comprehensive understanding of facial anatomy and precise techniques.

Why Bother with Advanced Botox Areas?

You may be wondering whether it’s even worth it to train for advanced Botox areas. Perhaps your clinic is doing just fine without it. But think about all those patients you’re unable to take because you don’t offer the advanced treatment areas they’re looking for. Not only do you miss out on the profit that comes with these treatments, you also miss out on a new patient who would’ve been loyal for years to come.

Learning advanced Botox areas can also provide your patients with better results. You’ll be able to correct more complex signs of ageing and better enhance facial harmony. It will give you an undeniable edge over injectors who only know basic anti-ageing injection techniques.

Ten Advanced Botox Areas to Master

We’ve chosen ten advanced Botox treatment areas that our patients at Smileworks Liverpool are always requesting. Mastering these techniques will allow you to address complex aesthetic concerns while also creating harmonious, natural-looking results. These are not the only advanced Botox areas, but they are some of the most popular.

Some of these topics are covered in our online Botox course, while others can be learned during one-to-one mentoring with Dr MJ Rowland-Warmann.

1. Brow Lift

A brow lift is a straightforward yet impactful treatment that addresses drooping brows that give patients a tired or aged look. By injecting Botox into the muscles responsible for pulling the brows downward, injectors can give their patients a lifted, more refreshed appearance. They’ll look more awake and alert without the need for invasive surgery.

This treatment is a tricky one though. It takes an immense amount of skill to avoid giving your patient an overly arched or surprised look. Precise placement and dosage is key.

See our latest blog post on Botox brow lift technique for more information on this advanced treatment.

2. Bunny Lines

Bunny lines are the fine wrinkles that appear on the sides of the nose when we scrunch up our face. It’s an area that is too often overlooked during Botox treatment. When some patients get Botox in their forehead or eye area, they leave the bunny lines untouched. This creates an uneven appearance and is a tell-tale sign someone has had Botox.

To fix this unbalanced look, you must inject small doses of Botox into the nasal bridge to smooth out these lines. It’s important to have an understanding of the anatomy of this area to avoid affecting nearby muscles.

3. Nasal Tip Lift

When we smile, some of us have a drooping nasal tip. This appears with age, but it can be corrected by injecting Botox into the depressor septi nasi muscle. Injecting in this muscle gives the nasal tip a subtle lift. It’s a quick, non-surgical adjustment that can make a massive difference in a patient’s facial profile.

It’s important to identify the correct muscle and use a precise injection technique to ensure natural results and avoid any distortion of the smile.

4. Gummy Smile Correction

A gummy smile occurs when the upper lift is pulled too far up, exposing the gums. This happens due to hyperactive muscles in the upper lip. A gummy smile can greatly affect a person’s confidence and can even lead them to avoid smiling altogether.

Gummy smile treatment targets these hyperactive muscles with Botox injections. The end result is a smile with less gum and more of a focus on the patient’s pearly whites. Careful dosing of the toxin is required to avoid creating a stiff upper lip. 

5. Perioral Rhytides (aka Smoker’s Lines)

As we age, some of us will develop vertical lines around the mouth. These lines are commonly referred to as smoker’s lines, but they can form even with those that do not smoke. They give the mouth an overly puckered, aged appearance no one wants.

Botox can be used to soften these lines by relaxing the orbicularis oris muscle, which surrounds the lips. For injectors, treating this area requires precise control and a delicate touch. Too much Botox can flatten the lips and affect movement.

6. Downturned Mouth

Another sign of ageing is the corners of the mouth becoming droopy, creating a perpetually sad or grumpy expression even when the face is neutral. Patients seeking this treatment are in search of a more approachable and happy appearance.

By injecting the Botox into the depressor anguli oris muscles, you can lift the corners of your patient’s mouths back to their natural positions.

7. Puckered Chin

Another advanced Botox area, a puckered or dimpled chin is characterised by visible dimples and indentations in the skin. This can occur in patients of any age, but we often see it get worse with age. Patients seeking this treatment are looking for a smoother, more refined chin appearance.

Luckily, a puckered chin can be helped with Botox injections. The toxin relaxes the mentalis muscle to smooth out these surface irregularities. Injecting Botox in the chin can be difficult, so be sure to inject the correct muscle points.

8. Masseter Reduction

When patients grind their teeth or clench their jaw, it creates an overly defined jawline. This is due to hypertrophic masseter muscles. Some of our female patients are unhappy with this look and would prefer a softer, more feminine facial contour.

This procedure not only enhances facial features but also dramatically reduces pain and discomfort associated with teeth grinding.

9. Platysmal Bands (aka the Nefertiti Lift)

Ageing can lead to sagging skin and vertical lines called platysmal bands around the neck and jawline. By injecting Botox along the platysmal bands, you can achieve a Nefertiti Lift, named after the Egyptian queen known for her striking jawline. This treatment provides a subtle lift that tightens the neck and jawline for a rejuvenated, youthful look.

This treatment requires an in-depth knowledge of neck anatomy to avoid any adverse reactions.

10. Hyperhidrosis Treatment

For patients that struggle with excessive sweating, Botox can offer a dramatic improvement in their quality of life. With a few quick injections to evenly distribute the Botox, you can reduce sweat production in your patients’ underarms. This relief can last for months. It’s a procedure that not only provides an added level of comfort but also can boost confidence.

Injecting Botox into the armpits requires specific training and knowledge of the area’s anatomy to perform correctly and effectively.

Other Important Considerations

Before you start injecting advanced Botox treatments, it’s crucial to develop a strong foundation in facial anatomy and the many nuances of Botox injections. Even if you’ve already become an expert in simple anti-ageing treatments, some of these advanced areas require specific techniques and knowledge to perform correctly.

The best place to get this experience is through hands-on training and mentorship from experienced practitioners who are already doing these treatments on a daily basis. This is where the Smileworks Aesthetic Training HUB comes in…

Learn From The Best In The Industry!

We’re proud to introduce the Smileworks Aesthetic Training HUB – an esteemed aesthetic training centre based in the UK. We pride ourselves on our wide range of online and hands-on courses tailored for every skill level.

If you’re still a beginner practitioner looking for more in-depth training in Botox, our online Botox course can teach you all about Botox. Our lead instructor and co-founder Dr Rowland-Warmann will guide you through how to create age-defying results for your patient.

Maybe you’re still taking your first steps into the world of both Botox and lip filler, or you’re an advanced injector aiming to master facial ultrasound techniques. We also have one-to-one mentoring sessions available for those looking personalised training for advanced Botox treatment areas. Regardless of your experience, we have the expertise and courses to suit your needs.

It’s time to embrace the prospering world of aesthetic medicine. The HUB provides you with all the right training and guidance you need to succeed. Take control of your professional journey and step into a future filled with endless potential and opportunities.

Join us at the HUB. Let’s shape the future of aesthetic medicine together and ensure safe, effective, and transformative results for every patient.

Want to try out our courses before committing? Take advantage of our free trial for a taste of what learning at the HUB is like.

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