How to Land Your First Aesthetics Job

25 July 2024

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In this post:

  • Discover why ongoing training is crucial and how it enhances your attractiveness to potential employers.
  • Learn how to gain experience and create a compelling portfolio of before and after photos to showcase your skills.
  • Understand the importance of networking at conferences, events, and online communities to connect with industry professionals.
  • Find out how a strong social media presence can set you apart and help you land your first job in aesthetics.

Once you finish your Botox and filler courses, you’re probably feeling excited and motivated to get a start on your new aesthetic medicine career. You feel confident in your injection skills and your ability to produce jaw-dropping results. You’ve learned the essential consultation skills that get you patients that will stick around for years to come. Now all that’s left is to secure an injecting position.

But for so many beginner injectors, this is where things really get tough.

Not all aesthetic medicine practitioners are interested in starting their own aesthetic clinic. Starting your own business takes a lot of time and money, and it’s not something that most injectors can successfully pursue in the early stages of their career. While there are certainly many benefits to this path, it is significantly easier to join a pre-existing practice as an associate injector.

Odds are you’ll find plenty of clinics looking for injectors, but most expect you to already have experience. Here lies the conundrum. How do you gain experience if all job positions require it? It’s a big ask for clinics to give you that first opportunity, especially if you’re unknown to them.

This is a common struggle that nearly all beginner injectors face, but luckily it’s a struggle that can be overcome.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through our essential tips for landing your first injector job. By the end of this article, you’ll feel more prepared than ever to pursue your career in aesthetic medicine.

4 Ways to Increase Your Chances

Before you think of starting the application process, there are a few things you should first do to make yourself a more attractive candidate. Do these four tasks, and your limited injecting experience will become less of a roadblock.

1. High Quality Training & Continuous Education

Chances are you’ve already taken Botox and lip filler courses, and you have a solid understanding of the two most popular injectable treatments in aesthetic medicine. But your training doesn’t stop there.

Continuous education is vital for keeping your knowledge up-to-date and making you an attractive injector candidate. An injector who has a wide breadth of injecting skills in areas all over the face will nearly always be the better choice compared to someone who only knows Botox and lip filler.

This is an industry that’s constantly changing, so keeping up with trends is crucial. This not only enhances your skills but demonstrates your commitment and passion for the aesthetics industry to potential employers.

2. Build a Portfolio of Jaw-Dropping Before and Afters

We know we said that not all aesthetic practitioners need to start their own business, and while that is true, you still need to gain experience. You’ll likely only get one or two good before and afters from your training course, but you’ll need more to make yourself a competitive candidate.

When you don’t have a clinic that helps you get patients, this means you need to find your own. Your initial experience will be gained from injecting on your friends, family, friends of friends, etc. With each person you inject, document their results meticulously so you can showcase the breadth of your skills to clinics.

Before and afters are critical pieces of evidence that demonstrate you can inject and you can inject well. Always ensure you have patient consent to use these images for your portfolio.

3. Network at Aesthetic Conferences & Events

When you’re brand new to the industry, one of the most beneficial things you can do is network. The best place to do this is industry conferences and events. These events allow you to meet and build relationships with industry professionals. These connections can provide valuable insights, job leads, and even mentorship opportunities.

While we always recommend attending these conferences, we recognise it’s not feasible for everyone. Luckily there are aesthetic medicine communities on LinkedIn, Facebook, and even Comma, a global social network for aesthetic medicine professionals.

4. Build Your Social Media Presence

Social media can be the thing that makes or breaks your aesthetic career. Platforms like Instagram and TikTok not only connect you with future patients, but they can also be used as another way to network with your fellow injectors

Clinics love to see an aesthetic practitioner who has a strong social media presence. This is where you can showcase your before and after photos (with patient consent!), share industry insights, and engage with the aesthetics community. Social media is the best tool to demonstrate your expertise and passion for aesthetics.

Job Application Tips

Once you’ve spent the time on the four above tips, it’s time to start applying for your first job. While there are a few beginner injectors who are lucky enough to land a job within their first few weeks of applying, it can take months for the rest. Building the foundations of your career is a slow and arduous process, but if you keep at it, the reward will be well worth it.

Tailor Your CV to Each Clinic

Don’t send out the same CV to every clinic. Take your time to research each clinic you apply to so you know to include the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the specific clinic you’re applying to. Each CV should be personalised to each clinic.

On your CV, be sure to include details about your training, the number of cases you’ve handled, and any specific techniques or products you have experience in. A well-crafted CV should address the unique needs of the clinic and what you can bring to the table. Do this, and you’ll significantly improve your chances of landing an interview.

Perfect Cold Emailing Skills

Not all clinics are actively hiring, so it’s important to get good at cold emailing. Even if they’re not looking for injectors right now, if you make a good impression they’ll keep your name on hand for the next time they’re hiring. You might initially get a no, but it doesn’t mean it will be a no in two months time.

Use the research you conducted for your CV to personalise each email to highlight why you want to work for that practice and how your skills would benefit their business. Remember to keep your emails professional, concise, and focused on what you can offer.

Persistence is key. If you don’t immediately receive a response, send a polite follow-up email after two weeks. If they still don’t reply to the follow-up email, it’s best to back off that clinic for now and wait for them to advertise they’re hiring before reaching out again.

Post on Online Communities

Another way to get your name out there and spread your interest in employment is to post to online communities like LinkedIn, Comma, or even Instagram. Post regular updates about your training, experiences, conferences you attend, professional achievements, etc.

However, it’s important to remember it’s not all about you. You’ll also need to engage with posts from others in the industry, participate in discussions, and share relevant content. It’s all about networking and building relationships. This keeps you on the radar of potential employers who are scouting for injectors online.

How You Can Start TODAY…

Breaking into the aesthetics industry takes time and persistence. It doesn’t come easy for everyone. But when you follow these steps, you’re setting yourself up for success. Continue to invest in your education with advanced courses, build your portfolio, and grow your social media followings. The ball will start rolling in no time.

It’s also helpful to keep in mind that every aesthetic medicine practitioner started where you are now. Keep pushing forward, hold on to your motivation, and don’t get discouraged if things move slow. Your dream job in aesthetics is more within reach than you may think. Stay focused, and you’ll get there.

Learn From The Best In The Industry!

We’re proud to introduce the Smileworks Aesthetic Training HUB – an esteemed aesthetic training centre based in the UK. We pride ourselves on our wide range of online and hands-on courses tailored for every skill level. Whether you’re taking your first steps into the world of Botox and fillers, or you’re an advanced injector aiming to master facial ultrasound techniques, we have the expertise and courses to suit your needs.

Stop pursuing a thankless career that doesn’t make you happy.

Don’t let financial limitations keep holding you back from living your fullest life.

It’s time to embrace the prospering world of aesthetic medicine. The HUB provides you with all the right training and guidance you need to succeed. Take control of your professional journey and step into a future filled with endless potential and opportunities.

Join us at the HUB. Let’s shape the future of aesthetic medicine together and ensure safe, effective, and transformative results for every patient.

Want to try out our courses before committing? Take advantage of our free trial for a taste of what learning at the HUB is like.

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