Please see below the current dates for Botulinum Toxin and Lip Augmentation hands-on training in 2023.
February 2nd
March 24th
May 27th
July 28th
September 22nd
Welcome to Advanced Facial Ultrasound
Introduction to Ultrasound Artefacts
Posterior Acoustic Enhancement
Posterior Acoustic Shadowing
Snowstorm Artefact
Reverberation Artefact
Comet Tail Artefact
Mirror Artefact
Bayonet Artefact
Colour Flash Artefact
Conclusion and Summary
Ultrasound Artefacts Quiz
Introduction to Filler Recognition
Identifying Cosmetic Fillers on US – A Review of the Literature
What is Healthy Tissue?
Hyaluronic Acid
Hyaluronic Acid Characteristics
Historic Hyaluronic Acid Filler in Tissues
Poly-L-Lactic Acid
Poly-L-Lactic Acid Characteristics
Polycaprolactone Characteristics
Calcium Hydroxyl Apatite
Calcium Hydroxyl Apatite Characteristics
Autologous Fat
Autologous Fat Characteristics
Collagen Charactertistics
Polyalkylimid Characteristics
Polymethyl Methacrylate
Polymethyl Methacrylate Characteristics
Silicon Oil
Silicon Oil Characteristics
Silicone Implant
Silicone Implant Characteristics
Metal Plates
Filler Recognition Quiz
Introduction to Guided Injections
In Plane Versus Out of Plane
Top Tips for Guided Injections
Temple Anatomy & Injection Techniques
Temple Interfascial Technique: US-guided Treatment
Lateral Cheek: US-Guided Treatment
Cheek & Tear Trough: US-Guided Treatment
Cheek: US-Guided Treatment (VIDEO 1)
Cheek & Cheek Hollows: Treatment Planning
Cheek & Cheek hollows: US-Guided Treatment
Cheek & Cheek Hollows: Review Treatment
Deep Piriform Space: Vascular Mapped Treatment
Lip Anatomy & Augmentation: Vascular Mapped Treatment
Jawline: US-guided Treatment
Using Ultrasound to Improve Predictability in Neuromodulator Treatments
Gummy Smile
Lip Flip
Depressor Anguli Oris
Guided Injections Quiz
Introduction to Complications
Introduction to Complication Consultations
Patient History & Fact Finding
Patient Education about HA filler and Hyaluronidase
Tear Trough
Nasolabial Fold
Lip Granuloma
Salvaging a Skin Booster Disaster
Non-surgical Rhinoplasty
Visual Disturbance
Checking the Capillary Refill Time
Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty Tips and Techniques
Complications Quiz